
Saturday, January 30, 2010

WE GOT SIMS 3!!!!!!

Okay, so I know I haven’t been posting anything in a while, but:

I GOT SIMS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who personally know me, than you’ll know how big this is. Technically, I got it last month, but yeah, it was addictive, which is why I’m kind of just mentioning it now. ^^;

So far, I’ve downloaded lots of CC, made an Armenian legacy(Arachian’s is the name, which kind of translates to First. Arach means first, while, ian is somewhat like “son” or any other surname suffix).

I haven’t uploaded anything or made any self-sims yet.

Um, so expect some more Sims 3 stuff, whether it’s on the blog or on the site maybe.