I finished my finals yesterday, and today was my last day of school. We didn’t do anything today. Well, we just got our final exam grades and final grades. I did pretty good in my classes, other than APUSH. I’m so glad that I won’t have to deal with that class again. Too many freaking cheaters who think too highly of themselves.
My English teacher announced today that next year he’ll be getting a new job in another part of the state. I don’t think I’ve wrote about him that much (or at all), but I didn’t really like him. He never made an effort to hide his favoritism. Everyone was sad over that but I don’t see why. I mean, there wasn’t much of a chance that he’d be their teacher two years in a row, and he gave us his e-mail. Sure, they won’t be able to see him in person, but they’ll probably have a new favorite teacher. Finals have made me bitter, haven’t they? :P
I don’t know what I’m going to do during the summer. Probably begin driving, do my summer reading and watch TV shows. And blog/play Sims.
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