
Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Week in Product Placement

Today, in Farmville, I noticed a new seed for the Goji Berry, and that it was locked. I then clicked the “What is this?” button, and it lead me to this:advertising1

Apparently, Farmville’s encouraging people to go to a convenience store for more limited edition stuff. Seriously, guys? Something tells me this is gonna get worse.

And I just decided to see what the patch for Sims 3 would do, so I clicked the Game Updates Link, and I thought it was okay, till I noticed this at Really Big Shoes":


I know it’s a matter of will power and ignoring these advertisements, but it’s going to get worse. Sooner, they’re going to get less subliminal, and harder to avoid. Isn’t it enough that they have a Shop Mode, as well as some Brand related packs(Fanta, Dr. Pepper)?

Like my brother said, eventually, there’s going to be a Copyright, Registered, or Trademark symbol in every block of text. He also wondered what the Gurus’ justification towards this was. It’s not like saying “Now your Sim will get to drink Snapple (TM) while driving a Porsche(TM), and listening to his iPod(TM),” will enhance the game.

Hopefully we’re just over-reacting, though.

And I really need to learn how to put the real Copyright, Registered, and Trademark symbols.

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