
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why I Like Roseanne

So recently, after having nothing else to watch on a Friday night, I decided to watch Roseanne. Before you head to the comment box and say “WHY?” remember this is the person who finds The Nanny, Mel & Joe, and Disney and Nick Kidcoms tolerable, so… yeah. But yeah, the show soon grew on to me for a couple of reasons:

  • The theme song’s catchy.
  • Roseanne doesn’t care about what others think. She doesn’t change herself for other people.
  • The show makes me laugh. Like actually laugh. The jokes are somewhat sarcastic, but it also relies on other types of humor. “Springtime for David” made me laugh out loud a lot, seeing that it was kind of making fun of Six Flags and Disney World.
  • The finale was interesting. Yeah sure, it was a complete disappointment to long time fans, but the last part was somewhat insightful. And I got sad just by watching the finale on Youtube without knowing much about the series.
  • It’s from the nineties. That gives the show like ten more points in my book. :D

I avoided the show like the plague bad CC trolls when it was on nick@nite, partially because I thought it would be bad fat jokes, and because I was 9, and, well, I wouldn’t get how it was funny.

I also like How I Met Your Mother now.

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