
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Worldwide Day of Play

So if you have been watching Nickelodeon in September, you've noticed they have had commercials for their annual "Worldwide Day of Play", in which they pretty much just don't show anything on the channel from noon till 3, and expect kids everywhere to get up, go outside, and play. Easier said than done, however. Seriously, did Nick EVEN think about things that could go wrong in this 'marathon'?
  • Bad Weather: In case the Nick executives didn't notice, not everywhere is 100% Sunshine. Like my town. Today it was raining, so I don't see how someone could go out and play.
  • Sick or Handicapped: Yeah, try to tell me how someone could go out and play with a cold or broken leg. :\
  • Bad Neighborhood: There are some streets which aren't safe for kids to play in.
  • Watch Another Channel: In a way, Nick kinda just told kids "You could go outside and play, or you could just change the channel. The choice is yours!" Seriously, I just changed the channel, so Nick was kind of just letting their competition win. :\
Still, the Worldwide Day of Play had some good things for Nickelodeon in store:
  • Soccer Mom Support: Let's face it, soccer moms everywhere will applaud Nick for encouraging kids to be active, so soccer moms will probably buy Nickelodeon stuff instead of Disney stuff, when they have to be compared to each other(Christmas DVD stocking stuffers: iCarly VS Sonny With a Chance much?).
  • Better Reputation: Even if Worldwide Day of Play is a failure, the executives at Nickelodeon will be able to say, "Hey, at least we did something."
  • Alternatives: Rather than watching TV all day, I actually did homework, which I would procrastinate on if they had the channel running. Well, I wouldn't really watch Nick anyway, unless Ned's Declassified or iCarly was on at noon, but I'm pretty sure there were some people who did something educational instead of vegging out in front of the TV screen.
And on a final note, Nick seemed to be serious for this. Well, their sister networks(The N[Teenick?], Noggin[Nick Jr?], and Nicktoons) all had messages for their viewers too. And guess what? They were all individual messages which applied to the theme of the channel! Noggin/Nick Jr. had a classroom with the WDoP logo on it, with the announcer saying what's going on, and had a cartoon character come in reminding viewers to get off the couch. The N/Teenick had somewhat sarcastic messages like "Go get some fresh mall air". Then Nicktoons... just failed. It was a black background with the logo and a marquee explaining what was going on. Last minute much? Also, none of the channels had Spongebob or Miranda Cosgrove or any of their other cash cows on the channel's screen saver! For Nick, this is something to be proud of.
Anyway, I kinda like Nick's way of fighting obesity more than Disney's way of saving the environment.

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