
Sunday, August 29, 2010

What’s really Wrong with the Jersey Shore

Being from New Jersey, the show Jersey Shore is somewhat personal. They gave our state a bad name, more traffic in the summer, and a reputation for having promiscuous tourists. But those stuff don’t annoy me as much as a certain thing. No, I’m not talking about the tanning promotions, or the stereotyping of Italians, but some other stuff.

Specifically, the Unfortunate Implications of this show.

To those who don’t watch it, the show’s just about 8 people living together and clubbing and stuff.  Cameras roll while they’re drunk, or dancing, or telling each other off. What happens in the nightclub is the part which annoys me about this show.

If the guys see a girl who’s ugly in the clubs (As in, not a supermodel), they’ll call the girl a grenade. The phrase describes people who are hideous, like EA/Maxis Sims hideous. They don’t stop at insulting these people in front of national television, though. They also dance with these ‘grenades’, and kiss them, and even take them home! If these girls are ‘so ugly’, then why are you leading them on? And for the record, these guys are jerks in general, and they only have six-pack abs. Since when does having a good beach body give you permission to insult people on national television?

And on another note, I just saw a commercial for My Wife and Kids getting welcomed to nick@nite with…. a George Lopez marathon. As if it’s not on enough. Fare well, Fran.

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