
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Medieval Hairs Look Good?

The latest fad on My Sims 3 Blog is probably hair conversions from The Sims Medieval and poses. Oddly enough, these hairs look… better than most hairs I’ve seen for guys. They’re not just emo-ish hairstyles with the bangs in the front. They look like hairstyles from real life.

And frankly, these hairs are pretty good for EA. So, good job, EA/ People who convert these hairs!


  1. Agreed. I actually like the Medieval fad a lot though :p! They've converted a lot of stuff (Including objects and skin tones) from that game for free, so I'm pretty happy about that!

  2. Yeah. It's a pretty good idea. Especially for people who want the stuff and the medieval setting, but not the actual game.

  3. Yeah it is. Lol you get the best parts of medieval without having to pay for them xD!

  4. You just forgot to add the links. Ridiculous, you can't even blog right.
