
Friday, August 14, 2009

Cory in the House- Impeached?

I remember a few years ago first hearing about Cory in the House. I didn't know what to expect: A good show, that would be successful as it's parent show, That's So Raven, or an awful, 7-10 year old boy oriented show, getting its humor from a bunch of cheap laughs? I felt optimistic, so I followed the first option. After watching my first episode of it, however, I wasn't so sure. Yeah, it was okay, but to be honest, I was expecting more. The show tried too hard to be like That's So Raven with its physical humor(Cory fell into horse, um, droppings), and not anything else. I thought the characters were decent and somewhat-multidimensional. I just didn't like Sophie, aka America's Angel, even though she was better than Stanley- Corey's previous nemesis.
As the episodes went on, there were some good ones, and other, well, failures. That's So in The House is an example of the former category; Everybody Loves Meena of the latter category. Still, overall, the series was promising.
What ticks me off the most is that they didn't even have a proper finale! Disney chose to do it about a break-up Meena had; nothing actually appropriate for a finale. Since the show was set in the White House, Disney could've have an election themed finale, like President Martinez loses the next election, so the Baxters have to go back to San Fransisco or something.
Also, I much rather would have Cory in the House stay rather than JONAS, Disney's new Jonas Brothers vehicle.

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