
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Review

Looking back, 2010 was rough. Lots of disasters happened, like the Haiti earthquake, the Gulf Oil Spill, and the Iceland volcano eruption. The Winter Olympics and the World Cup also happened this year, and so did the vuvuzuelas. It was a good year for the Jersey Shore cast, and a bad year for Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, and Tiger Woods. EA drove its customers crazy, yet managed to deliver two expansion packs loved by the fanbase. Toy Story 3, Harry Potter, and Inception were box office hits. And lots of people collected animal bracelets.
What do you remember from 2010?


  1. You pretty much summed it up perfectly lol. I remember the year being filled with fads and over hyped movies lol. Wonder what this year'll be like.

  2. Yeah. Sadly, I'm only sure EA is still going to be a bad company. There will probably be even more 3D movies, too.

  3. Yeah. It sucks. Maybe the 3D movies will actually start having plots or something lol. Some of the 3D movies are awesome, but a lot of them aren't . EA'll still be EA and they won't change lol

  4. Yeah, hopefully there will be better 3D movies this year lol.
